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Braces Sucks They just Suck!

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Braces Sucks!
They just Suck

My rating of Braces

posted by Guest1052
10/4/2008 1:41:19 PM
Why they suck
The day you get braces you can pretty much say good bye to your smile, and your dignity. Every pictures focal point is, of course, your dorky braces (Not to mention the blinding light coming from the camera flash reflected in you lovely mouth-full of metal. You have the consatnt feeling that you have something stuck in your teeth (and most of the time you really do!). When you get your braces, you can pack your bag, because you're moving into the orthodontist. They constantly break, and are always needing wire-changes. And wire changes lead to days of soreness and pain. Too add to the misery you get to wear you braces for about 2 years, if not longer. A greater smile would be nice, but there has to be a better way.

My suggestions to Braces
A clear alternative that works just as well, or at least a shorter time to wear braces.
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