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Barack Obama Sucks
    issue: Speaks out his butt (1 rants)

bush Sucks
    issue: Service (1 rants)

building Sucks
    issue: Ethics (1 rants)

burger king Sucks
    issue: Quality (1 rants)

Burn After Reading Sucks
    issue: Quality (2 rants)

Braces Sucks
    issue: They just Suck (1 rants)

Barbie Sucks
    issue: They just Suck (1 rants)

Beau Bartolotta Sucks Sucks
    issue: They just Suck (1 rants)

Bernard Madoff Sucks
    issue: Ethics (1 rants)

Burger King sucks employees are lazy or stupid Sucks
    issue: Service (1 rants)

burger king Sucks
    issue: Service (1 rants)

brandon Sucks
    issue: They just Suck (1 rants)

BAO Health Resources Corp Babry Oren CEO Sucks
    issue: Ethics (1 rants)

Battlefield 3 Sucks
    issue: Stinger one shot dead (1 rants)

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