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Bernard Madoff Sucks – Ethics!

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Bernard Madoff Sucks!

My rating of Bernard Madoff

posted by Madeoffwithmymoney
12/11/2008 10:12:01 PM
Why they suck
Loses $50 billion of investor funds while living a lie. That's billion, not million in case you missed it. Yet another Wall St scumbag to hit the dirt. Madoff Investment securities LLC was a ponzi scheme that lost all its investor funds. Hard to imagine that they only had a handfull of investors- must have been some really bit hits- billions per investor if that math is true. So, which Wall Street phony will be the next to fall? Citadel, Soros, Black? hard to say who's real now and who's not. Madoff, or better, Made-off, was a "pillar of the Street and former chairman of NASD, so its hard to say how deep the rot and corruption goes- When the game changes as it has in the last three months- the shit sinks to the bottom.

My suggestions to Bernard Madoff
Bit late for that. He hid out to feather his nest for as long as the market could cover his soiled tracks. Maybe he can just rot in hell or at least a good prison. Funny how he now tries to show remorse- pretty certain he would have taken all those loses to his grave had he been able to keep it secret.
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
If you are an investor- you're probably out of luck- sorry to hear. You trust in someone with a big name and get screwed-
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If you are an investor- you're probably out of luck- sorry to hear. You trust in someone with... Read more
posted by Madeoffwithmymoney
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