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this is first rant Sucks
    issue: test (1 rants)

The Flu Sucks
    issue: They just Suck (1 rants)

Titanic Sucks
    issue: Quality (2 rants)

Therapists Sucks
    issue: Service (1 rants)

The Burger King King Sucks
    issue: Its Frightening (1 rants)

tv Sucks
    issue: Ethics (1 rants)

test Sucks
    issue: Customer Support (1 rants)

TARP Sucks
    issue: They just Suck (1 rants)

Tim Lewis Sucks
    issue: They just Suck (1 rants)

Taco Bell Sucks
    issue: Quality (2 rants)

tripping into a mud puddle Sucks
    issue: They just Suck (1 rants)

tracfone Sucks
    issue: Service (1 rants)

The time machine Sucks
    issue: They just Suck (1 rants)

truecom Sucks
    issue: Ethics (1 rants)

Tuition Sucks
    issue: Price (1 rants)

Taco Bell Sucks
    issue: They just Suck (2 rants)

toco bell web site Sucks
    issue: Customer Support (1 rants)

Taco bell is a peice of shit Sucks
    issue: company as a hole (1 rants)

Taco Casas Drug Problem Sucks
    issue: Service (1 rants)

trump Sucks
    issue: Ethics (1 rants)

Taco Bell treatment of their customers Sucks
    issue: Ethics (1 rants)

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