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Account Services of San Francisco Sucks – Ethics!

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Account Services of San Francisco Sucks!

My rating of Account Services of San Francisco

posted by Guest1186
2/3/2011 7:54:04 PM
Why they suck
Between Oct.2010 and Feb.2011 their weekly bot calls, all of which state that this will be the last time they will be calling, are in violation of the do not call list. When I ask for any information about the company (phone number, address, a supervisor, etc.) their female reps I have ended up taling to immediately hang up. I have told them several times that I do not even have any credit cards and they should not be calling me for any reason, yet they still call several times a week. I need more people to help sue these f**kers and put them out of buisiness if not in jail. email henrybrown@usa.com

My suggestions to Account Services of San Francisco
They are incapable of being better people (and by extension a better company) therefore they should be euthanized.
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Give them as much grief (or more) as they have given you. Give them false info and keep them on the phone as long as possible thinking they are signing someone up. Hunt them down. Contact the BBB, the phone company, a lawyer,(or lawyers)and any other person or government institution you can think of. Use *69 and keep records. Don't give up, they're going down!
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Account Services of San Francisco Sucks!

My rating of Account Services of San Francisco

posted by spammerbgone
10/1/2008 1:12:42 PM
Why they suck
Mr Bill Scott of Account Services picked up when I answered their autodialer. I informed him that I am on the do not call list and they shouldn't be calling me. This is the 5th auto call I have received from these scum bags. They try to sell credit repair and lower interest rates on credit balances. they claim to be "closely affiliated" with Visa and MasterCard. No idea if they are legit, but their marketing approach really sucks

My suggestions to Account Services of San Francisco
honor the do not call list- better find a more ethical line of business
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
add your post about them here. the more posts listed, the more they will show up on Google searches and the more likely they are to be fined.
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Give them as much grief (or more) as they have given you. Give them false info and keep them on... Read more
posted by Guest1186
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add your post about them here. the more posts listed, the more they will show up on Google... Read more
posted by spammerbgone
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