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Acne Sucks – They just Suck!

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Acne Sucks!
They just Suck

My rating of Acne

posted by Guest1037
9/22/2008 7:16:52 AM
Why they suck
There is nothing more annoying than waking up with a huge zit on your face. It's like a beacon screaming "Hey! Look at me!" No matter what you do it's almost impossible to get rid of the damn things. You can try make up, acne cream, washing your face to the point of peeling your skin off, but in truth you just have to wait for the things to go away themselves. And they always pick the worst times to appear. You always get them before prom or something important. Acne never decides to invade your face, you know, the week you've decided to go burry your self in a cave. There the cherry on the top of teenage(and some adult) humility.

My suggestions to Acne
Well, the obvious would be to not be there.
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Wash your face everyday. Acne tends to pop up when your particularly stressed, avoiding stress can help to avoid the dread acne.
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Wash your face everyday. Acne tends to pop up when your particularly stressed, avoiding stress... Read more
posted by Guest1037
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