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Missing Socks Sucks – They just Suck!

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Missing Socks Sucks!
They just Suck

My rating of Missing Socks

posted by Guest1036
9/21/2008 10:11:29 PM
Why they suck
Have you ever been running out the door and when you reached for a pair of socks could only find one? It is one of the most annoy things EVER. You end up scrambling around trying to find a match, and in the end have to just leave the house with mismatched socks, or more frequently only one sock. Where do they all go? Is there a dryer monster that magically steals everyones left sock? No matter how many pairs you buy, or which way you fold them you can never find a matching pair of socks. It's just plain ridiculous.

My suggestions to Missing Socks
By not disappearing of course.
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Buy a million of the exact same sock. That way you won't have to worry about them not matching because they'll all be the same. Keep one drawer devoted entirely to socks to keep them all together.
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Top users' solutions

Buy a million of the exact same sock. That way you won't have to worry about them not matching... Read more
posted by Guest1036
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