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Overly Protective Parents Sucks!
They just Suck
My rating of Overly Protective Parents
posted by Guest1027
9/17/2008 5:53:24 PM
Why they suck
Being too protective could cause their child to want to rebel more and do things that they shouldn't be doing like sex, drugs, alcohol, smoking, drugs, violence, and much more. Parents think that if they just make them stay home all the time and keep them on a tight leash, then everything will be o.k and they won't have to worry about their kid getting in trouble. Well they are wrong, it will only push them into doing things that aren't healthy, just because they know they aren't supposed to do it. Also, giving them freedom is good. They need time for them, whether it's hanging out with their friends on a weekend, or going to a school game or dance. If you give them time to be a kid (but still have rules), then they should be on the right track.
My suggestions to Overly Protective Parents
If some parents would give their kids freedom and still have rules. So if your child gets in trouble, let their consequence for that action be appropriate for what they did wrong.
My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Parents should be more lenient toward their kids. They need their space, and if they don't get it they will be sorry. Trust me, I know, I've been their and seen it so much.
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