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Racism Sucks – All people are the same and should all be treated equally!

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Racism Sucks!
All people are the same and should all be treated equally

My rating of Racism

posted by Guest1026
9/17/2008 4:52:16 PM
Why they suck
Alot of people are still racist today, and it just isn't right. People shouldn't judge someone just because of their skin color, or the language they speak. They should be treated exactly how any other human being is treated, with respect and how they want to be treated.

My suggestions to Racism
If people finally came to their senses and loved everyone for who they are instead of discriminate against them, which only generates hate. Peace and Love is the way.
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
People need to grow up and just let people of another race be... They didn't do anything to you, so why shouldn't you get along with them?!
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People need to grow up and just let people of another race be... They didn't do anything to you,... Read more
posted by Guest1026
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