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Paying For College Sucks – financial!

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Paying For College Sucks!

My rating of Paying For College

posted by KimM
8/17/2008 12:03:57 AM
Why they suck
Good day to all those Freshman rearing their heads and ready to go to college. Hold on though, there is a big pile of crap in your way called paying for said college. Wonderful isn't it? You've got the filling out FAFSA, arguing with parents, reading your financial aid, writing all kinds of essays for scholarship, etc. One of my favorite, and I'm sure some feel this way too is when you open up your financial aid report and find that the only grant you got was for a measly amount for less that five hundred. You ask yourself, eyebrows furrowing, lips quirking down, "What. The. Hell?" Really, you tell yourself, I honestly thought we're poorer than this. Great, huh? And then there are the Student Loans. So many options for paying for said education and yet somehow many students still get the shaft. Or am I the only one. Oh. And I think I'm late on my payment. Swell.

My suggestions to Paying For College
I'm sure it could suck less if money landed on my lap, but now when is that going to happen?
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Be smart, get scholarships (bunches of them if you can). Enter any contest for money, you know that Xbox 360 you have, sell it too while your at it. Oh and don't wait till the last minute.
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Be smart, get scholarships (bunches of them if you can). Enter any contest for money, you know... Read more
posted by KimM
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