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Freddie Mac Sucks – stupidity!

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Freddie Mac Sucks!

My rating of Freddie Mac

posted by Guest1183
11/8/2010 3:51:51 PM
Why they suck
I'm trying to buy a small cabin Freddie Mac owns. Previos owner went into foreclosure. All set to close. Made the five hour drive to the title company to learn Freddie Mac owes back taxes on the property. Now closing is delayed

My suggestions to Freddie Mac
Pay their taxes and othe obligations
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Don't buy bank owned ptoperty from Freddie Mac
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Freddie Mac Sucks!

My rating of Freddie Mac

posted by FreddieKruger
7/13/2008 8:38:41 PM
Why they suck
Sure, ok, let me get this straight, a quasi govt private corporation that along with Fanny Mae, owns or backstops 80% of the USA's mortgages, didn't stop to wonder what would happen if the bubble in the real estate market stopped bubbling? Hmm, wonder what those guys were getting paid to do, go to charity events in the Tux's??????

My suggestions to Freddie Mac
Hire real managers- Like maybe Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan, and get rid of the socialites and fatcats! Maybe hire a few analysist too to do collage level sensitivity analysis to learn about bear markets!
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
If you're long the stock, your screwed. If you have a mortgage both you and Fannie Mae and Freddie are screwed. If you're a tax payer, you're probably screwed if you are an employee of either same!
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Freddie Mac Sucks!

My rating of Freddie Mac

posted by FreddieMacSUCKS
3/17/2010 2:13:11 PM
Why they suck
FREDDIE MAC today offered me a loan modification. The new loan keeps my interest at an ABOVE market rate, 6.75%. They have INCREASED my monthly payment, and they have INCREASED my principal balance to nearly TWICE the amount that THEY say my home is worth. Thank you for the "Making Homes UN-affordable" plan! (note: I bought my home in Las Vegas in 2002 BEFORE the bubble)

My suggestions to Freddie Mac
Decrease my principal balance to the market value of the home, or at least get it to within $50,000 of my home's value.
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Support any politician who wants to do away with Freddie and Fannie.
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Top users' solutions

Don't buy bank owned ptoperty from Freddie Mac
posted by Guest1183
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Support any politician who wants to do away with Freddie and Fannie.
posted by FreddieMacSUCKS
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If you're long the stock, your screwed. If you have a mortgage both you and Fannie Mae and... Read more
posted by FreddieKruger
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