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orbitz Sucks Lack of clarity and keeping quiet about fine print!

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orbitz Sucks!
Lack of clarity and keeping quiet about fine print

My rating of orbitz

posted by PatrickG
8/31/2012 5:11:18 PM
Why they suck
They will gladly book a flight for you and let you pay AND THEN MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, you will stumble across policies which make you regret the booking.

My suggestions to orbitz
We are vacationing in Ireland and the UK for a month. We booked a flight from Dublin to Edinburgh (we thought)with Aer Lingus BUT the flight is subbed out to a small outfit with itsy bitsy planes and totally restricted checked baggage and carry on. Max size & weight for checked bags is much less than longer flights and size/weight of carry on is likewise reduced. Even if your bag fits the size and weight requirements you still have to pay for it as there is no "first bag is free " policy with the booking from Orbitz. None of this info was easily found, even with searching and calling. The other real thrill is discussing these issues with some moron who barely speaks English and has to refer you to the airline. Revealing this info up front rather than after booking a NON-REFUNDABLE ticket would be a customer friendly policy but NO! you fi9ndn out afternit is too late.
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