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aaa sucks Sucks!
My rating of aaa sucks
posted by hamurobby
7/14/2011 7:58:20 AM
Why they suck
Well same as the other guy, they debited my account for purchase of Sea world tickets, then informed my girlfriend that they could not give her the tickets because my DEBIT card was not in her name. Then, they told her they would credit back the account, BUT they could not do it because it was a debit. Well instead of telling her THEN, we found out the next day and had to go back down to their office and pick up a check and take it to the bank to deposit it. They wasted over an hour of our time and quite frankly, im pissed.
My suggestions to aaa sucks
Inform the customer of their policy before hand, we do this all the time, (her using my debit card) at any and every store we go to, and theere is never a problem.
My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Dont bother with their discounts and services, if they are this unorganised with details, what makes you think they will be any better when you really need them?
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