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Paying For College Sucks – Ethics!

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Paying For College Sucks!

My rating of Paying For College

posted by Ginarelli
12/4/2009 8:56:01 AM
Why they suck
In the constitution of the America it clearly states that education is to be free. I have over 70,000 dollars in financial aid so far, and I took a class and ended up in the hospital and the instructor would not give me an extension, so I failed the class. Not only do I have financial aid that already paid for the class, I have to take it again and pay 1200.00 dollars out of my own pocket by March or I won't graduate. Additionally, I owe money to Sallie Mae and have six credits from another school that I am attending and they won't release my credits until I pay them 400 dollars. WTF???? What I want to know is, what in the heck does free mean?

My suggestions to Paying For College
It would suck if less if financial aid could simply let the class ride for 5 weeks into the next academic year and take my stipend check to pay for the shortfall. Which I would rather graduate then take the money that I need to live on, pay rent and eat, but they make it very hard to take into account what our priorities really are.
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
If you think you are not going to be able to take the class to it's entirety make sure you drop it right away so you don't have to pay for it twice.
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If you think you are not going to be able to take the class to it's entirety make sure you drop... Read more
posted by Ginarelli
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