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Ethics Sucks – Service!

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Ethics Sucks!

My rating of Ethics

posted by cosmogurl
9/7/2009 4:51:25 PM
Why they suck
People are not using ethics in business anymore. It is not unlike many large corporations to adjust things to suit their own financial bottom line though they are making many people either forced to do bankrupcy or lose everything. Banks at the moment are number one. The banks knew that they could not lend money to people who do not have the financial wherewithal to pay it back. This is unjust and it is why our country is failing miserably. We have many large corporate giants with CEOs getting very wealthy and there are people who could use $1000 and be happy about it and are not getting it. The country's stimulus package is still only helping those who are rich.

My suggestions to Ethics
The government should alleviate federal taxes on everyone for two years in order to stimulate the economy. The more money in people's pockets would mean they could get themselves out of debt and have the ability to buy things. It is impossible to buy things with no money.
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Federal tax elimination for anyone receiving federal assistance or unemployment and the elimination is in place until they are gainfully employed. Flat tax rate based on income with no loop holes or ways for large corporations to bull doze through without paying the just amount. Everyone should have the same percentage so it is completely based on how much money you make and nothing else. Make it easy for single people to provide needed services to others. Some website that allows someone to look at the location and service to find people. Allow these to be cash paid positions provided legal residency can be proven.
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Federal tax elimination for anyone receiving federal assistance or unemployment and the... Read more
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