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Walmart Sucks Sucks – Ethics!

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Walmart Sucks Sucks!

My rating of Walmart Sucks

posted by CPUilleterate
7/21/2009 11:39:52 PM
Why they suck
My managers are the laziest people on Earth!! As soon as these SOB's get a promotion - they stop working. I have yet to "work closely" with any paid supervisor or manager - despite over 3 years of service in several departments at my store.

My suggestions to Walmart Sucks
Someone needs to let "we the people" obligate these people to the same rules that get the little guy fired (once they are making above 8.75/hour) or reprimanded (thus preventing them from ever enjoying any priveleges themselves - let's hear it for checking sports scores while resolving customer courtesy issues!!)
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
1. Violent revolution 2. Get a real job - I am in college p/t 3. Don't watch - you get paid to work!!
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1. Violent revolution 2. Get a real job - I am in college p/t 3. Don't watch - you get paid to... Read more
posted by CPUilleterate
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