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Wearing pajamas as clothing Sucks!
My rating of Wearing pajamas as clothing
posted by
5/21/2009 2:52:14 PM
Why they suck
Ok, I am no fashionista. But I make a concious effort to wake up every morning and change into what I like to refer to as "day clothes". This could be anything from clean jeans paired with a cute top, a sundress, a smart skirt and corresponding blouse, or some nice khakis and a sweater. It DOES NOT include ANYTHING that you may have worn to bed the previous night or any other night. And no, putting on tennis shoes/flip flops/sandals/combat boots or any other type of footwear does not create a situation where your pajamas become "day clothing". You see, I work with the public. I see hundreds upon thousands of people each day. Many of these people appear to wake up and get dressed. Some, however, do not. They appear to simply get out of bed and come into my work place. And, I would like to add, that lack of getting dressed can and almost always will lead to lack of other things, usually in the nature of personal hygeine i.e. not brushing teeth, not showering, not properly deodorizing, etc.
Some of you may be saying at this point, "well, I agree, but 'ethics'"? Did I really need to put this under the heading of "ethics"? The answer is a resounding "yes"! You see, when we fail to show the rest of the universe, let alone ourselves, enough respect to even bother getting dressed before leaving the house...we have chosen to give up. Giving up on ourselves and our fellow man by not even caring enough to change out of pajamas into day clothes before entering into interactions with our fellow man is, in my humble opinion, unethical.
My suggestions to Wearing pajamas as clothing
Well, for starters, people could get dressed. This oftentimes requires a small amount of pre-planning, but I assure you, a little effort can go a long way.
Start the night before.
First, stand in front of your closet and think about where you will be going in the following day. If you will be going to work, select the clothing that corresponds to your dress code. If you are having a holiday or a day off, select something a bit more casual, but clean and preferably coordinated.
Once you have selected your clothing, decide if it needs to be ironed. It is better to err on the side of caution, here. And ALWAYS iron the night before. Trust me, morning is not a good time for ironing, especially if you have children.
This next step is very much up to personal preference, but is always necessary: shower/bathe. Some people are night bathers, some are morning bathers. the choice is up to you, but you must bathe!
Go to bed. Upon waking, GET DRESSED!
My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
It helps to occasionally give a slightly disappointed look to those whom you see out and about dressed in their pajamas. However, one does not want to be misconstrued as cruel or unkind, so this must be done carefully and used sparingly. It is especially effective in repeat offenders.
Another good solution is to always be dressed yourself. that way, if they have any sense of shame whatsoever, the people wearing pajamas will feel silly and underdressed, and will think twice about wearing pajamas as clothing ever again, at least in your presence.
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It helps to occasionally give a slightly disappointed look to those whom you see out and about...
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It helps to occasionally give a slightly disappointed look to those whom you see out and about dressed in their pajamas. However, one does not want to be misconstrued as cruel or unkind, so this must be done carefully and used sparingly. It is especially effective in repeat offenders.
Another good solution is to always be dressed yourself. that way, if they have any sense of shame whatsoever, the people wearing pajamas will feel silly and underdressed, and will think twice about wearing pajamas as clothing ever again, at least in your presence.
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