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Apple Store Perimeter Atlanta Sucks!
Customer Support
My rating of Apple Store Perimeter Atlanta
posted by applesause
3/20/2009 2:10:21 PM
Why they suck
I spent about 40 minutes getting there to buy a new ear phone for my first version iPhone. Once there the Appledrone lady, informed me that they no longer carry earbud (the white ones with the mic) for the older Iphones. I questioned this, but she knowingly glared at me as if i was wearing a Bill Gates for President button, and explained that the older version iPhone had a special plug that wouldn't work with the new iPhone. She told me that due to store space constraints, they don't stock older items and that i might possibly find the old ones online. I asked her is she was sure about this and she said she was.
I finally went to the lenox store where the guy pulled one off and shelf, slapped it in my hand and told me they are all the same- old and new. He was surprised that I had been mislead and asked me what color shirt the girl was wearing who waited on me. Apparently trainees are color coded in some way and he suspect she was new.
Ok, everyone makes mistakes but there is a certain smug, "get with it nerdo" attitude at the Applestores that seems to get in the way of some of the "geniuses" actually listening to you question or, heaven forbid, asking someone higher up for clarification on a customer issues that they can't answer.
By the way, if you want to have some fun, go to your local Apple Store and ask them if a Mac can run Windows. The look they give you is priceless. Then the typical response is yeah, but you will get viruses if you ever even think about windows and that of course Mac OS is invincible- which of course is not true.
My suggestions to Apple Store Perimeter Atlanta
Apple could hire a few less, body pierced, orange hair, drinking the Koolaid types, and more people who actually know what they are talking about. The guy who helped me at the Lenox store was great- knew what he was doing, got my situation fixed and thanked me for coming in. The girl at Perimeter Mall however was a total disaster. Bless her heart, I would be afraid to order a hamburger from her if she worked at Sonic. Enough of the smug attitude- There are plenty of flaws in the iPhone and in Apple's computer lines. They don't need to act like they have cured cancer.
My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Don't buy an IPhone. At this point I would go with a more flexible vendor that respects they customers more and doesn't try to over control the entire "user experience"
At this point, I would wait for the Palm Pre and an android phone.
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