RedBull Sucks!
My rating of RedBull
posted by wellhungup
3/10/2009 4:33:38 PM
Why they suck
I don't have anything against Red Bull per se, if you like the taste, then God bless you. But I received a call, actually 3 calls, from some scammers called Warranty Services. Here's their number 201-917-7310. It was one of those auto dialer's that asked you to hit #1 about a warranty issue. When I hit it, the gulock on the line asked what I was calling about, I said "you called me" what do you people do? at then they slammed the phone down. I redialed the number- try it, its very slimy. They dont say who they are or what they are all about and there is no way to contact a human being- not that any humans are apt to work there. If you hit 0 then ask if you want to be removed from their list and explain that you are on their list people you filled out an online form. Problem is, I never fill in online forms and if I had, I wouldnt have used the number they called me on. So its total CYA BS.
Back to Redbull, if you try to get to someone to explain why you are being called, (by the way, I am on the do not call list), then the transfer you to a RedBull ad. So, Redbull is sponsoring these scumbags and in turn supporting unethical and possibly illegal marketing. I hate unsoliciated callers and I hate bot callers even more, and I especially hate, bot callers who masqurade as legitimate callers with "imporant warranty information" Now I hate RedBull for supporting such lower life forms.
My suggestions to RedBull
respect the public and don't use scum callers to market your caffeinated sugar puke-water.
My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Never buy a product from any company that uses autodailers and other telemarketers. Boycott Redbull and send a message to them all.
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