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Pearl Harbor Sucks Ethics!

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Pearl Harbor Sucks!

My rating of Pearl Harbor

posted by sugarcookie
3/9/2009 10:25:17 PM
Why they suck
As a result of the Japanese military bombing Pearl Harbor, causing the United States to join World War 2, the U.S. government decided the the smart thing to do was to take into custody all American citizens of Japanese decent, while relieving them of all property and finances, and ushering them into concentration camps where they were wrongly held for up to four years.

My suggestions to Pearl Harbor
It would suck much less if the United States government took into account that most, if not all, of Japanese-American citizens of the time were loyal members of the U.S. and had no intentions of siding with the Japanese. Such an extreme assumption was incredibly irresponsible on the part of the U.S. government.
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