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Rachel Getting Married Sucks Quality!

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Rachel Getting Married Sucks!

My rating of Rachel Getting Married

posted by Guest1135
2/18/2009 6:04:06 PM
Why they suck
I was completely ecstatic about seeing Rachel Getting Married. The preview made it look like it was going to be really good and I was talking about how much I wanted to see it for months. But when I finally made it to the theatre to go see it I found myself heading out the theatre door. It was AWEFUL. I’ve added it to my list of top 25 movies to kill yourself to. The plot left the viewer confused and hopeless. There were a million loose ends that were never tied off, and in the long run there was just no point. Most of the movie really made no sense. The very white Rachel was getting married to a very African man, and yet they had an Indian themed wedding. Go figure? Some explanation would have been nice. The movie was also filmed with hand-held cameras to give it a more “home-made” look, but mixed with the horrific plot it just felt like the Blair Witch Project all over again. This movie had no hope, and really just left me feeling like so what?

My suggestions to Rachel Getting Married
Make the plot less choppy and use some real cameras. It would have been cool if they had had moments where the filming switched from regular to handheld, but having the entire movie shaking was just too much. It would have been nice if there was some hope amongst the bitter despair as well.
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Go see something else. Rachel Getting Married isn’t worth your money.
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Go see something else. Rachel Getting Married isn’t worth your money.
posted by Guest1135
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