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ABCs Scrubs Sucks They just Suck!

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ABCs Scrubs Sucks!
They just Suck

My rating of ABCs Scrubs

posted by Guest1129
2/4/2009 5:06:09 PM
Why they suck
Scrubs was indisputably one of the better shows on TV, but its 7th season on NBC was declared to be its last. But soon after the finale ABC declared that they would be airing the new season. Although I was at first thrilled that the show would be re-airing, I was to be disappointed. The plotlines are not nearly as good and its apparent that everyone is just ready for the show to be over. Actors Zac Braff and Judy Reyes have reported leaving the show, along with write Bill Lawrence after the 8th season, but ABC still plans to continue the show for more seasons. All I can say is that the real Scrubs went out with the 7th season. This isn’t just isn’t the real Scrubs anymore.

My suggestions to ABCs Scrubs
Please ABC let scrubs join other past TV idols in the Collectors Edition Box Set graveyard.
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
By the 7 real Scrubs seasons and just forget about ABC's crap.
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By the 7 real Scrubs seasons and just forget about ABC's crap.
posted by Guest1129
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