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Vicky Christina Barcelona Sucks They just Suck!

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Vicky Christina Barcelona Sucks!
They just Suck

My rating of Vicky Christina Barcelona

posted by Guest1055
1/1/2009 10:20:08 PM
Why they suck
In Woody Allen's latest film two American tourists, Vicky (Rebecca Hall) and Christina (Scarlett Johansson), catch the attention of the incredibly suave Spanish painter, Juan Antonio (Javier Bardem). Christina, who is the more adventurous of the duo, immediately falls for the Spaniard. Vicky, who is much more practical and engaged, however, is not convinced. As the plot moves on Christina finds herself in a fervent, bisexual and unorthodox relationship with Juan Antonio and his tumultuous ex-wife Maria Elena (Penélope Cruz). But as Vicky continues to reassure herself that her practical ways are right, she finds herself more and more in love with Juan Antonio. The girls both hurdle through their summer in Barcelona they find themselves more and more chaotic. While the scenery was beautiful and the actors were excellent, the film was far too confusing and breached the absurd. The scenes were a bit choppy and the plotline just didn’t leave you satisfied. The ending left every line hanging and ultimately just wanting to kill yourself. It was just completely over-the-top and never really went anywhere. The film was most definitely not worth my five bucks.

My suggestions to Vicky Christina Barcelona
I don't really know. The film was based on the absurd, which frankly did not do it for me.
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Go see something else. While at first it seemed slightly intriguing, in the end it really wasn’t worth it.
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Go see something else. While at first it seemed slightly intriguing, in the end it really wasn’t... Read more
posted by Guest1055
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