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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid DNev Sucks – Ethics!

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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid DNev Sucks!

My rating of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid DNev

posted by HenryGreed
12/11/2008 5:33:36 PM
Why they suck
The economy is crashing, both parties are trying to justify taxpayer assistance to help the auto industry by going to the American Taxpayer--many of whom have already lost their homes and jobs--to bail out an inefficient, uncompetitive and bloated industry. This is a tough sell. So along comes Sen Reid, who decides to add a pay-raise for Federal Judges to the bill. What a Moron! It's an insult to taxpayers and to everyone in Congress. I guess maybe Reid thinks he needs to pander to the Judges in case he gets indicted like that other wonderful Democrat; Rod Blagojevich. I don't mean to be partisan here, I voted for the Big O, but let's be real- this crap has got to stop on both sides if we are going to ask the American Public to pay for the mess that these greedy and arrogent politications have created over the last 10 years.

My suggestions to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid DNev
try some ethics and concern for the American citizens over their favorite lobby.
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Vote them out if they pull this crap.
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Vote them out if they pull this crap.
posted by HenryGreed
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