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yahoo Sucks!
They just Suck
My rating of yahoo
posted by Jerryyangster
12/10/2008 3:58:48 PM
Why they suck
They lost their way big time. Its a bit reminiscent of when Apple brought in John Sculley to "run Apple like a business" Yahoo fired Tim Koogle shortly after the board rejected his idea to buy Ebay. I don't know if Koogle was the right guy, but he couldn't have done any worse then Terry Semel, who was basically a suit from Hollywood. And hey, if you don't need Ebay, then at least they had a CEO whos name rymed with Google- cant be that bad.
Anyway, bad products, no meaningful, innovation, arrogant customer and developer support and to boot they jacked their domain rates to try to exploit "captive users" who had regesttered URLs with them- I just transferred 200 names to godadddy- so there yahoods!
Lets not forget the fact that without Yahoo, Google never would have ramped- so yet another bad business move to lead up to the mother of all fckups- the rejection of Microsofts $40 plus offer- I guess MS was just not cool enough to be part of the TeamYahoo!
I have some loyalty my yahoo homepage, but unless the speedup download times and evolve yahoo mail, I will probably migrate over to google over time. Sad, but these guys turned out to be a one trick pony.
So for now, Yahoo has become the General Motors of the Internet and their fate may be similar. Time will tell
My suggestions to yahoo
New board, new management, clearer vision, more creativity and less exploitation of the user base and less arrogance. Pretty basic stuff.
My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
if you are a shareholder, hang on, scrap value might be a bit higher and lots of angry shareholders like Carl Icahn (who is looking a bit like the General Motors of activist investors these days) to try to stir things up. It might be worth mid teens if the right deal comes along-
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