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Detriot bailout Sucks – Price!

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Detriot bailout Sucks!

My rating of Detriot bailout

posted by madcarguy
12/4/2008 12:04:09 PM
Why they suck
Why should the American taxpayers pay to subsidize the life styles of UAW workers and very greedy and incompetent management of the big three? Sucks! Lets them go under and maybe one good company will emerge to build cars that people might actually buy

My suggestions to Detriot bailout
1) let them file chapter 11 2) fire both top management and union UAW leadership- they can stay if the return 50% of their wages for the last 3 years 3) create a government owned hospital to provide health care in Michigan- charge $75 per procedure and don't allow any malpractice claims 4) recruit management teams from Silicon Valley to inject real creativity into design and manufacturing processes 5) everyone works for $18 per hour- everyone. Then grant stock to everyone based upon their job roles. So, recap the companies, give ownership to everyone in exchange for reduced wages and benefits and let them all share in the prosperity that they are promising if and when they return to profitability. The new company would look something like this 30% owned by workers 10% by the new management 30% by the US taxpayers for loan guarantees 30% by existing debt holders and new investors
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
If you work for GM or Chrysler or just live in MI or OH, consider moving and finding new work If you want to buy a car- go foreign for the time being unless they give you a deal you cannot refuse IF you are a tax payer- fire any politician who votes for a bailout that does not include a radical restructuring of both labor and management.
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If you work for GM or Chrysler or just live in MI or OH, consider moving and finding new... Read more
posted by madcarguy
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