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Eliot Spitzer Sucks Ethics!

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Eliot Spitzer Sucks!

My rating of Eliot Spitzer

posted by spitzhersmitcher
12/4/2008 11:51:32 AM
Why they suck
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, who resigned earlier this year over his involvement in a prostitution ring, will write a column for online magazine Slate.com about the economy and financial regulation. The column, which will be called "The Best Policy," will appear every other week, Slate Group Editor Jacob Weisberg told Reuters in an interview. The first column, which is appearing Wednesday evening, will deal with the financial crisis and Spitzer's opinion that the United States should not recreate financial institutions that are considered "too big to fail," Weisberg said.

My suggestions to Eliot Spitzer
He should write a column for Penthouse instead.
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