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LG Shine Sucks – Quality!

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LG Shine Sucks!

My rating of LG Shine

posted by Guest1100
10/29/2008 10:00:17 PM
Why they suck
Alright it looks really cool. I mean who doesn't want the phone that Brody Jenner and Lauren Conrad from "The Hills" has. But Honestly it really isn't that great. While it looks like the super-big screen would make everything really easy to see, and make it really easy to see people walking behind you in the reflection, after all of about two weeks the screen will be totally scratched. The innovating new joystick feature is possibly the most annoying part of the phone, making simply selecting your address book a an act only God could fulfill. It has a mind of its own and it constantly switches windows for you. Not to mention that the LG Shine is only available through AT&T which in its self is a joke. The only thing your super-trendy new phone will be good for is looking super-trendy stashed in your pocket cause your not gonna be making a call anytime soon with it.

My suggestions to LG Shine
Making the joystick feature more controlled. A scratch-proof screen would also have great benefit, or at least having the phone come with screen protectors.
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By a different phone. It's just not that hot.
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By a different phone. It's just not that hot.
posted by Guest1100
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