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DirecTV Sucks – Customer Support!

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DirecTV Sucks!
Customer Support

My rating of DirecTV

posted by Burned
10/4/2008 11:17:23 PM
Why they suck
I cancelled my service which was billed automatically to my credit card. They had just billed so I had a credit of $45. They told me it would take several weeks to get a credit. I complained and asked them to just credit it back to my credit card but they said they couldn't do that. In other words, they were floating on my money along with everyone else who cancels. They can debit me quick enough so why can't they credit me too?

My suggestions to DirecTV
I can see taking a couple of days to issue a credit but 2 months is ridiculous. If DirecTV can be efficient when they sign you up, they should start being efficient when you leave.
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Cancel service before the next payment hits. Or don't ever sign up for DirecTV.
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Cancel service before the next payment hits. Or don't ever sign up for DirecTV.
posted by Burned
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