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Quantum of Solace Sucks Quality!

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Quantum of Solace Sucks!

My rating of Quantum of Solace

posted by 007
12/3/2008 2:25:34 PM
Why they suck
One of the worst written Bond flicks ever- they used violence scenes- some of them fairly well done- to cover up a lack of plot and storyline. What was it about- no idea? Something about the bad guy- pretty weak villain- nothing like a Largo or Goldfinger- wanting to monopolize with water supply in Bolivia- whoopee, I am terrified. What if I visited Bolivia and needed a shower? Hell, just pay him the ransom so I can have my bath- anyway, if anyone got more out it then me, please clue me in on the plot. Oh, yeah it had something to do with the CIA too, but it was so muddled no one could tell what or why. Anyway, hot looking Latin girl, who is actually Russian in real life, and a very trite rip off of the original Goldfinger where an English Babe is found naked in bed smothered by oil- don’t even try to make the connection between oil and water or why the bad guy wasn't called Oilfinger or Waterfinger. Guess it didn’t match the theme song well enough or maybe they would have to pay royalties to the original Goldfinger girl- anyway, bad movie-really sucked- even with a few good violent scenes and a hot girl or two.

My suggestions to Quantum of Solace
stop confusing jerking camera scene violence effects with real action. We loved Bond for the adventure and suspense, not the effects.
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Watch an hour of wrestling then switch to the soft-core late night porn channel and you can pretty much end up with about the same experience. Better, go see Transporter 3 and the plot will be about as good. But with a bit more color.
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Watch an hour of wrestling then switch to the soft-core late night porn channel and you can... Read more
posted by 007
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